首頁 / 認識YMCA






YMCA ( Young Men's Christian Association ) 亦即基督教青年會,西元1844年創立於英國倫敦,而後再逐漸擴展至全世界各地。一百七十多年來,YMCA一直本著基督服務的精神,透過教育、文化、技藝、體育、露營、社團服務等有關事工的推行,培養青少年德、智、體、群、美之均衡發展;同時透過世界各地青年的交流活動,擴展國際友誼的領域,以促進世界人類的和平。YMCA是以國際青年教育團體的角色,來進行各項的服務,目前全世界YMCA活動網已遍及120多個國家,會員人數已達6,400萬人。





The Paris Basis






The Paris Basis

The Young Men's Christian Associations seek to unite those young men who, regarding Jesus Christ as their God and Saviour according to the Holy Scriptures, desire to be His disciples in their faith and in their life, and to associate their efforts for the extension of his Kingdom amongst young men.




Kampala Principles







  1. 謀求人類平等機會與正義。
  2. 致力及維護人與人的關係,以愛心了解其特有的環境。
  3. 致力及維護青年會及社會中之組織與制定以包容那些忠實,有深度及創造力的事情。
  4. 致力及維護領袖人才及事工的典範,以見證基督徒多方面及深遠之經驗。
  5. 致力於全人的建立。


▶Kampala Principles

The 6th World Council meeting in Kampala, Uganda, in July 1973, adopted at the same time the following declaration of principles:

The Paris Basis expresses that Christ is the centre of the movement, which is conceived as a world-wide fellowship uniting Christians of all confessions. It is consistent with an open membership policy, involving people irrespective of faith as well as age, sex, race and social conditions.


The basis is not designed to serve as a condition of individual YMCA membership, which is deliberately left to the discretion of constituent movements of the World Alliance.


The basis makes clear that the constituent movements of the Alliance have full freedom to express their purpose in other terms designed to correspond more directly to the needs and aspirations of those whom they are seeking to serve, provided these are regarded by the World Alliance as being consistent with the Paris Basis.


Recognizing the character of the YMCAs in the world today, this act of acknowledging the Paris Basis places upon the various Associations and their members as fellow workers with God such imperatives as:

  1. To work for equal opportunity and justice for all.
  2. To work for and maintain an environment in which relationships among people are characterized by love and understanding.
  3. To work for and maintain conditions, within the YMCA and in society, its organizations and institutions, which allow for honesty, depth and creativity.
  4. To develop and maintain leadership and program patterns which exemplify the varieties and depth of Christian experience.
  5. To work for the development of the whole person.




Challenge 21




  •   ●傳播基督的福音,促進人們身、心、靈的健全與社群的合一。
  •   ●在邁向平等的社會過程中,讓所有的人都能參與,特別是加強青年男女們在各階層的責任與領導。
  •   ●支持與推廣女權與兒童人權。
  •   ●維持並鼓勵對不同宗教的對話與夥伴關係;認同不同的種族文化、觀念與族群意識,並推動其文化更新。
  •   ●獻身並追求合一,於貧窮、被剝奪、被迫流離人們、或因族群、人種、宗教受逼壓的弱勢。
  •   ●在衝突中,扮演和睦的使者;積極參與並促進人們的自覺與自決。
  •   ●成為上帝被造物的守護者,防止一切的破壞;並為下一代子孫積極保護與保存天然資源。
  •   ●面對以上的挑戰,YMCA將開發出與各階層的合作,並確立自立與自決。
  • ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁
  • ▶Challenge 21

    Adopted at the 14th World Council of YMCAs

    Frechen, Germany, 13-19 July 1998

    The World Alliance of YMCAs was founded in 1855 at its first World Conference, held in Paris. At that time, conference participants developed the YMCA’s first mission statement, the Paris Basis.

    Since then, the YMCA’s mission statement has been interpreted to reflect contemporary realities, first in 1973 with the Kampala Principles, and most recently in 1998 with Challenge 21.

    Challenge 21, adopted at the 14th World Council of YMCAs, Frechen, Germany, 1998 states that:

  • Affirming the Paris Basis adopted in 1855, as the ongoing foundation statement of the mission of the YMCA, at the threshold of the third millennium, we declare that the YMCA is a world-wide Christian, ecumenical, voluntary movement for women and men with special emphasis on and the genuine involvement of young people and that it seeks to share the Christian ideal of building a human community of justice with love, peace and reconciliation for the fullness of life for all creation.

    Each member YMCA is therefore called to focus on certain challenges which will be prioritized according to its own context. These challenges which are an evolution of the Kampala Principles adopted in 1973, include:

  • ●Sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and striving for spiritual, intellectual and physical well-being of individuals and wholeness of communities.
  • ●Empowering all, especially young people and women to take increased responsibilities and assume leadership at all levels and working towards an equitable society.
  • ●Advocating for and promoting the rights of women and upholding the rights of children.
  • ●Fostering dialogue and partnership between people of different faiths and ideologies and recognizing the cultural identities of people and promoting cultural renewal.
  • ●Committing to work in solidarity with the poor, dispossessed, uprooted people and oppressed racial, religious and ethnic minorities.
  • ●Seeking to be mediators and reconcilers in situations of conflict and working for meaningful participation and advancement of people for their own self-determination.
  • ●Defending god's creation against all that would destroy it and preserving and protecting the earth's resources for coming generations.

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